Feeding the planet and
protecting the oceans

In recent years, aquaculture has emerged as the fastest-growing agri-food sector worldwide. This growth is due, in part, to the ever-increasing demand for aquatic foods, as well as the decline in commercial fisheries.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, aquaculture is the most promising way to meet the growing global demand for these products. In 1980, only 9% of the fish consumed worldwide came from aquaculture; today, aquaculture accounts for 50% of the world food market (Source:

This increase in world production, however, is largely due to the questionable practices of cage farming techniques. Consumers are not always aware that there are two types of aquaculture: Cage Farming and Pond Farming.

Feeding the planet through aquaculture



Our closed-pond rearing system completely isolates our fish from the wild, protecting them from potential diseases and parasites found in an uncontrolled environment. Our closed environment works to prevent the fish from escaping and eating foods that could cause an imbalance in their diet. Using spring water also contributes to optimizing good rearing conditions, ensuring an exceptional environment for the fish to grow in.


This farming technique, used in many countries worldwide, places fish cages directly in natural bodies of water. These controversial practices have been called into question by several independent organizations because of the harmful effects they have on the aquatic ecosystems and the quality of the product delivered. (Source: Greenpeace)

Fortunately, independent organizations such as Ocean Wise and Seachoice have taken it upon themselves to inform and educate consumers about the best possible choices for responsible aquaculture products, including those from La Ferme Piscicole des Bobines.The presence of the Ocean Wise logo on a menu or packaging allows you to identify eco-responsible products that preserve the health of our oceans for future generations. Similarly, SeaChoice guides Canadian consumers to choose the most sustainable fish and seafood products for marine ecosystems and coastal communities. The program is supported by Sustainable Seafood Canada, a coalition of five conservation organizations across the country, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, the David Suzuki Foundation, the Ecology Action Centre, the Living Oceans Society, and the Sierra Club BC.


Ocean wise sustainable seafood partner    SeaChoice Recommended best choice

Criteria for sustainable and
responsible aquaculture

In general, there are five main criteria for determining whether an
aquaculture operation is sustainable and responsible: (Source :

The Choice of High-Quality Fish Feed

La Ferme Piscicole des Bobines uses the best fish feed available on the market, produced in a certified Canadian plant. All the feed ingredients are carefully selected and do not contain any growth hormones, which ensures high energy performance and low phosphorus levels.

Additionally, automated feeding systems allow for controlled feeding times and quantities, thus maintaining water quality throughout the production cycle.

Escape Prevention

Our enclosed rearing system completely isolates our fish from the outside world, thus preventing them from escaping into the wild.


Disease and Parasite Control

By using top-quality spring water, our trout are free from the diseases and parasites commonly found in large-scale cage farming.

High-Quality Spring Water

Pollution Control

The closed-pond rearing system, designed by La Ferme Piscicole des Bobines, recycles and filters the water, unlike cage rearing sites where untreated wastewater is poured directly into the ocean.

Our efficient wastewater treatment system ensures that we meet Quebec's environmental standards, which are among the most stringent in the world.


General Management

Our ability to offer a top-quality product all year round is the result of sound management across the company's entire range of operations, as well as appropriate training for our skilled staff.

The managers of La Ferme Piscicole des Bobines understand the importance of sound management and good business ethics. They are confident that these elements will benefit future generations.





Ocean Wise Recommendation

Ocean Wise is a conservation program created to inform consumers and businesses about issues related to fisheries and aquaculture practices, empowering them to make eco-responsible choices when it comes to seafood. We work directly with our partners to ensure that we have the latest scientific information about their seafood. It is with this information that they can make responsible decisions that put the health of our oceans first.

The Ocean Wise logo on menus and packaging makes it easy for consumers to identify eco-responsible choices that will preserve the health of our oceans for future generations.

Full Guide

Ocean Wise

A Certified Quality Fish Feed

La Ferme Piscicole des Bobines works closely with fish feed companies and researchers to create an environmentally friendly product to feed our fish. Since 2005, we have been exclusively using our low-phosphorus fish feed, manufactured by a Canadian company that is ISO 9000, BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices), and HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) certified.

The fish feed we use minimizes the ecological footprint and encourages a positive feed conversion ratio for the ecosystem, not to mention that it is sourced from non-abusive fisheries.

Additionally, automated feeding systems allow for controlled feeding times and quantities, thus maintaining water quality throughout the production cycle.

Logos certifications moulées truites